Ok, now that you've joined and gotten the code, you'll need to add it to your blog. Before you do that, you will need to save a copy of the button picture to your computer and then your Flickr account. Simply right click on the Knit-London button and save it to your Flickr account. You will add this into the code shortly.
Sign into your (Blogger) blog and go to Customize. Click on the Template tab, and go to the Page Elements area. Displayed will be the general layout of your blog's template and elements which you already have and elements you can add. Click on 'Add a Page Element'.
A pop-up or window will open listing the various elements that you can now add. You will be adding HTML/JavaScript - click and open. The first pop-up will close and new window will open for Configer HTML/JavaScript.
You can choose how the ring will look on your blog. Do you want the button or would you rather just have the words? As long as the RingSurf links are displayed beneath the words or the button, the choice is yours!
If you prefer the button free look: A) Add the title (Knit-London) at the top plus the ring code below with no button
If you would like the button: B) Leave the title blank, add the code and insert the button picture.
(both A & B) Copy the 'code' you were sent in it's entirety and paste it into space provided in the window. Then look for this information :
(left arrow*) img src="
insert button image here">
No button: A) Be sure you have entered the Ring's title, otherwise it will be left blank and you will only have the RingSurf links on your blog. Unfortunately this may make it more challenging for people to surf the ring or recognize what it is. Simply enter Knit-London in the title area. Once that is complete, highlight and erase
only the above line from the code. This will remove the image information.
Button: B) You've got the code pasted in the window, now look for the above line in the code. Once you find it, you need to add the image's URL from your Flickr account to that spot. It should look something like this:
(left arrow*)" http(colon**)//farm3.static.flickr.com/2334/1809480084_1a748d5b42_o.jpg"/>
In Flickr go to the image and click all sizes and copy the pictures static URL. Paste the URL exactly where the words
insert button image here are and remove those words.
Save your work. The editing window will close and you can preview your blog to check if you like the placement of your new button. Move it around if you wish. Be sure to save all of your changes before exiting.
Tada! You've added a ring to your blog.
Please note that the bellow were typed so they would show in this article!
* left arrow = <
** colon = :